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Tech Industry Trends to Watch for in 2023

As the tech industry continues to evolve, so do your company’s IT needs. Staying current on the latest developments helps your organization stay competitive.

Using the newest technology can help your company improve margins, reduce costs, and reinvest for growth. Implementing the latest technology also can maximize the value of company data, elevate revenue, and build your company’s brand.

Staying on top of the latest tech industry trends provides opportunities for your organization to set and reach business goals. This helps your company continue moving forward.

Learn about the top tech industry trends to watch for in 2023.

Optimizing Operations, Resilience, and Trust

The following trends maximize IT systems for increased reliability, data-backed decision-making, and elevated integrity of artificial intelligence (AI) in production:

  • The digital immune system combines software engineering strategies to enhance the customer experience. Observability, automation, and extreme design and testing provide resilient systems that minimize operational and security risks.
  • Applied observability uses AI to analyze company data and make recommendations. This helps leaders make faster, more informed decisions to benefit operations.
  • AI trust, risk, and security management (TRiSM) promotes AI model governance, fairness, reliability, robustness, efficacy, and data protection. It explains AI results, quickly deploys new AI models, actively manages AI security, and monitors privacy and ethical issues.

Scaling Vertical Solutions and Product Delivery

The following trends increase vertical offerings, elevate efficiency in product delivery, and promote connectivity:

  • Industry cloud platforms combine software-as-a-service (SaaS), platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) with tailored, industry-specific functionality for easier adaptation to industry disruptions.
  • Platform engineering offers curated tools, capabilities, and processes for developers and end users. These tools increase end users’ productivity and reduce the burden on development teams.
  • Wireless value realization includes traditional end-user computing, support for edge devices, digital tagging solutions, and other provisions of wireless network services. Along with connectivity, these networks use analytics to provide a location and other real-time information and insight. The networks also let systems directly harvest network energy, which is especially important for low-voltage and low-power applications in portable or mobile markets.

Pioneering Customer Engagement, Accelerated Responses, and Opportunities

The following trends support business model change, employee and customer engagement, and strategies to enter virtual markets:

  • Super apps combine the features of an app, platform, and ecosystem to create a platform for third parties to develop and publish their own mini-apps.
  • Adaptive AI uses real-time feedback, new data, and adjusted goals to change business models based on real-world circumstances.
  • Metaverse lets individuals transport or extend their physical activities to a virtual world.

Creating Sustainable Technology Solutions

Sustainable technology provides solutions with the following benefits:

  • Increased energy and efficiency in tech services
  • Company sustainability through traceability, analytics, emissions management software, AI, and other technologies
  • Greater support for customers to attain their sustainability objectives
  • Stronger operational resiliency
  • Elevated financial performance
  • Additional avenues for growth

Increased Need for Tech Team Members  

DVA Technology can help add tech professionals to your team to reach business goals. Get started today.

